Thursday, April 30, 2009

Be a smart student

Have you ever taken a class with an instructor whose aim in life is to screw his students up?
Well i have. In one of my physics lab sessions and while we were busy doing the experimental calculations, the doctor came and told me ‘where is your paper?’ so I gave him my paper and I was surprised that he wrote a mines five (-5) sign on mine and my mate’s paper. She was like ‘why? He said with his very soft voice that doesn’t suit his size ‘because u didn’t disunite the apparatus?’ we were like ‘OK, we are still working!!!’ then I just decided to act cleverly and here is the -5 sign:

Well i added my own touches and it looked no more as a (-5) sign. The paper then was returned to me without subtracting 5 marks taking in mind this doctor is kind of doctors who never forget and would do whatever to defeat us ( the students)

we all will face antipathetic teachers in our studying journey, so always be a smart student :)